Nippon India MF Large Cap Fund 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Mirae Asset Low Duration Reg Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1107.7484
24-02-2025 1107.5358
21-02-2025 1106.8411
20-02-2025 1106.6348
18-02-2025 1107.8325
17-02-2025 1107.6458
14-02-2025 1107.028
13-02-2025 1106.9181
12-02-2025 1106.6348
11-02-2025 1107.5552
10-02-2025 1107.3248
07-02-2025 1107.0845
06-02-2025 1107.0356
05-02-2025 1106.6348
04-02-2025 1108.1227
03-02-2025 1107.8629
31-01-2025 1107.0651
30-01-2025 1106.8521
29-01-2025 1106.6348
28-01-2025 1107.7012
27-01-2025 1107.5234
24-01-2025 1106.9156
23-01-2025 1106.8087
22-01-2025 1106.6348
21-01-2025 1108.2742
20-01-2025 1108.0429
17-01-2025 1107.4184
16-01-2025 1107.0816
15-01-2025 1106.6348
14-01-2025 1107.3536
13-01-2025 1107.2366
10-01-2025 1106.9011
09-01-2025 1106.6749
08-01-2025 1106.6348
07-01-2025 1107.7244
06-01-2025 1107.5879
03-01-2025 1107.0301
02-01-2025 1106.8111
01-01-2025 1106.6348
31-12-2024 1108.2016
30-12-2024 1107.6761
27-12-2024 1107.0889
26-12-2024 1106.6348
24-12-2024 1107.1918
23-12-2024 1107.1544
20-12-2024 1106.6979
19-12-2024 1106.7139
18-12-2024 1106.6348
17-12-2024 1107.4377
16-12-2024 1107.2343
13-12-2024 1106.717
12-12-2024 1106.6933
11-12-2024 1106.6348
10-12-2024 1107.809
09-12-2024 1107.6401
06-12-2024 1107.2218
05-12-2024 1106.9645
04-12-2024 1106.6348
03-12-2024 1108.2228
02-12-2024 1107.9444
29-11-2024 1106.9829
28-11-2024 1106.678
27-11-2024 1106.6348
26-11-2024 1107.374
25-11-2024 1107.3113
22-11-2024 1106.7555
21-11-2024 1106.6348
19-11-2024 1107.8208
18-11-2024 1107.6533
14-11-2024 1106.8559
13-11-2024 1106.6348
12-11-2024 1108.1222
11-11-2024 1107.8911
08-11-2024 1107.2797
07-11-2024 1106.944
06-11-2024 1106.6348
05-11-2024 1107.7763
04-11-2024 1107.6335
31-10-2024 1106.8724
30-10-2024 1106.6348
29-10-2024 1107.9506
28-10-2024 1107.6293
25-10-2024 1107.2104
24-10-2024 1106.8428
23-10-2024 1106.6348
22-10-2024 1107.3482
21-10-2024 1107.3348
18-10-2024 1106.9679
17-10-2024 1106.8613
16-10-2024 1106.6348
15-10-2024 1108.0614
14-10-2024 1107.9539
11-10-2024 1107.355
10-10-2024 1106.8652
09-10-2024 1106.6348
08-10-2024 1107.6452
07-10-2024 1107.3235
04-10-2024 1106.7999
03-10-2024 1106.6348
01-10-2024 1108.4849
30-09-2024 1108.054
27-09-2024 1107.1425
26-09-2024 1106.9816
25-09-2024 1106.6348
24-09-2024 1107.6772
23-09-2024 1107.4717
20-09-2024 1106.8825
19-09-2024 1106.6348
17-09-2024 1107.8973
16-09-2024 1107.6957
13-09-2024 1107.0781
12-09-2024 1106.751
11-09-2024 1106.6348
10-09-2024 1107.7431
09-09-2024 1107.5615
06-09-2024 1106.9925
05-09-2024 1106.8406
04-09-2024 1106.6348
03-09-2024 1107.7081
02-09-2024 1107.53
30-08-2024 1106.954
29-08-2024 1106.8552
28-08-2024 1106.6348
27-08-2024 1107.9003
26-08-2024 1107.6927
23-08-2024 1107.1771
22-08-2024 1106.914
21-08-2024 1106.6348
20-08-2024 1107.9712
19-08-2024 1107.6663
16-08-2024 1107.0169
14-08-2024 1106.6348
13-08-2024 1107.809
12-08-2024 1107.6211
09-08-2024 1107.0285
08-08-2024 1106.8769
07-08-2024 1106.6348
06-08-2024 1107.9963
05-08-2024 1107.9162
02-08-2024 1107.2165
01-08-2024 1106.976
31-07-2024 1106.6348
30-07-2024 1108.0957
29-07-2024 1107.9049
26-07-2024 1107.2706
25-07-2024 1106.9263
24-07-2024 1106.6348
23-07-2024 1107.6559
22-07-2024 1107.4675
19-07-2024 1106.9095
18-07-2024 1106.6348
16-07-2024 1108.1615
15-07-2024 1107.874
12-07-2024 1107.1876
11-07-2024 1106.9201
10-07-2024 1106.6348
09-07-2024 1108.0313
08-07-2024 1107.8256
05-07-2024 1107.2034
04-07-2024 1106.9816
03-07-2024 1106.6348
02-07-2024 1108.412
01-07-2024 1108.0238
28-06-2024 1107.2563
27-06-2024 1106.8093
26-06-2024 1106.6348
25-06-2024 1107.892
24-06-2024 1107.7204
21-06-2024 1107.1209
20-06-2024 1106.8535
19-06-2024 1106.6348
18-06-2024 1107.9795
14-06-2024 1107.1267
13-06-2024 1106.8945
12-06-2024 1106.6348
11-06-2024 1108.3371
10-06-2024 1107.9981
07-06-2024 1107.34
06-06-2024 1107.043
05-06-2024 1106.6348
04-06-2024 1107.5145
03-06-2024 1107.7674
31-05-2024 1107.039
30-05-2024 1106.8266
29-05-2024 1106.6348
28-05-2024 1107.6394
27-05-2024 1107.4774
24-05-2024 1106.9824
22-05-2024 1106.6348
21-05-2024 1108.1461
17-05-2024 1107.1171
16-05-2024 1106.9809
15-05-2024 1106.6348
14-05-2024 1107.907
13-05-2024 1107.5559
10-05-2024 1106.9726
09-05-2024 1106.7257
08-05-2024 1106.6348
07-05-2024 1107.9625
06-05-2024 1107.7233
03-05-2024 1106.9007
02-05-2024 1106.6348
30-04-2024 1107.6245
29-04-2024 1107.5214
26-04-2024 1106.9615
25-04-2024 1106.7246
24-04-2024 1106.6348
23-04-2024 1107.4323
22-04-2024 1107.2137
19-04-2024 1106.6185
18-04-2024 1106.6348
16-04-2024 1107.6651
15-04-2024 1107.5436
12-04-2024 1106.881
10-04-2024 1106.6348
08-04-2024 1107.6699
05-04-2024 1107.2253
04-04-2024 1106.964
03-04-2024 1106.6348
02-04-2024 1109.001
31-03-2024 1108.4123
28-03-2024 1107.7878
27-03-2024 1106.6348
26-03-2024 1107.8059

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